Prospective StudentsEducation

Educational Objectives and Policies of each Major

Multimedia Engineering

Degree Programs: Multimedia Engineering
Degrees conferred: Master and Doctorate (Information Science, Science, Engineering)

Educational Objectives

Under the educational goals of Osaka University and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the educational objectives of the degree program "Multimedia Engineering" are as follows.

The department educates students in media information processing technology for high-speed analysis, processing, editing, and storing of large amounts of multimedia content via advanced information and telecommunications networks to realize an affluent information society, and aims to develop human resources capable of meeting the diverse demands of users. More specifically, we educate students to design, develop, and utilize information systems that are useful to society by making advanced use of hardware and software based on knowledge of multimedia data engineering, system architecture, security, artificial intelligence, etc., and to become engineers, researchers, and educators in the information field. Our goal is to produce human resources who will be able to work at the forefront of the world in the near future as engineers, researchers, and educators in the field of information technology.

Master's degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

The program aims to develop human resources with cutting-edge and advanced expertise and skills in multimedia engineering, including data engineering, system architecture, security, and artificial intelligence.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

Through coursework and research activities in data engineering, system architecture, security, artificial intelligence, etc., the program aims to develop human resources with a broad education in the related fields of multimedia engineering.

Sophisticated international mindset

While making full use of the acquired multimedia engineering knowledge and skills, the program aims to develop human resources with communication skills who can work from an international perspective.

Advanced design prowess

Students will acquire the skills to apply the acquired knowledge to real problems in society and to solve problems and will be able to design, construct, and operate real systems with high ethical standards.

Doctoral degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

Through coursework and research guidance, the program aims to develop human resources with cutting-edge and highly specialized knowledge and skills in the field of multimedia engineering.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

Through coursework and research guidance, the program aims to develop human resources with a broad range of education related to multimedia engineering and related fields.

Sophisticated international mindset

While making full use of the acquired multimedia engineering knowledge and skills, we aim to develop human resources with communication skills who can work globally from an international perspective. We also aim to develop human resources who have leadership skills to lead engineers and researchers with high ethical standards and a global perspective, and who can lead projects and business projects.

Degree Awarding Policy (Diploma Policy)

Under the Diploma Policy of Osaka University and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the Master's and Doctoral Programs of the Department of Multimedia Engineering award a Master's degree (in Information Science, Science, or Engineering) to students who have earned the prescribed credits through systematic coursework as follows, and who have submitted a dissertation prepared under required research guidance and who meet the requirements. D. programs will be awarded a master's degree (in information science, science, or engineering), and the doctoral degree (in information science, science, or engineering) will be awarded to those students who fulfill the requirements.

Master's degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

・Students have advanced and cutting-edge academic knowledge in the field of multimedia engineering.

・Students have the academic knowledge that enables him or her to look at and utilize technologies in the field of multimedia engineering longitudinally based on the fundamental technologies of information science.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

・Students can solve problems and carry out research by logically and systematically applying academic knowledge in the field of multimedia engineering.

・Students can understand the results of internationally advanced research on the subject of the master's thesis and have a high level of education and high ethical standards to participate in advanced research projects.

Sophisticated international mindset

・Students can solve problems in cooperation with others from an international perspective and have the communication skills to clearly explain one's own ideas and technical matters.

Advanced design prowess

・The master's thesis should address unresolved problems in the academic and applied fields of multimedia engineering and should have the motivation and ability to contribute to the development of these fields.

Doctoral degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

・Students have the cutting-edge and in-depth knowledge in the field of multimedia engineering necessary to carry out research as an independent researcher.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

・Students have can identify and solve academic or social problems that need to be solved by making full use of his or her in-depth knowledge in the field of multimedia engineering.

・Students have a high sense of ethics and education and are willing to tackle and solve important problems related to the science and application of information science.

Sophisticated international mindset

・Students have the leadership ability to lead groups to solve problems with a global perspective and the ability to explain and discuss advanced technical expertise in an international setting.

Advanced design prowess

・The doctoral dissertation must make an original and important contribution to the academic field of information science and technology.

Teaching and Learning Policy (Curriculum Policy)

Following the curriculum policy of Osaka University and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the degree program "Multimedia Engineering" has established the following curriculum policy.

Master's degree program

Principles of Curriculum Design

In the Master's Program, students will acquire the prescribed credits through systematic coursework that will enable them to cultivate the basic knowledge, education, design skills, and international mindset necessary to deeply explore a wide range of fields in multimedia engineering, including media information processing technology for high-speed processing, editing, and storing multimedia content via advanced information communication networks, in a cross-sectional and longitudinal manner from basic to applied fields. In addition, students will acquire the prescribed credits through systematic coursework that will enable them to cultivate their education, design skills, and international mindset. In addition, students conduct research under the guidance of a faculty advisor and submit a master's thesis. Upon examination of the thesis, the student will be awarded a master's degree if it is judged that the student has the ability to conduct research in the field of information science and technology related to multimedia engineering, and if the thesis contains research content that contributes to the development of the student's major field.

Contents and Methods of Education

The Master's Course provides students with the following to acquire a wide range of knowledge to meet the diverse demands of society, as well as to acquire the background to become advanced engineers and researchers in the field of multimedia engineering.

1. In addition to the basic courses in the major to acquire the basic knowledge necessary to deeply explore the broad field of multimedia engineering in a cross-sectional and longitudinal manner, from basic technology to effective use of multimedia data, students take elective courses that cover important peripheral fields and cross boundary-crossing subjects. Students can also take cross-disciplinary fusion courses and special lecture courses that cover the latest technological trends by inviting lecturers from industry and other external sources.

2. Through project-based seminar courses and seminar courses, students will develop the ability to solve problems in cooperation with others and to clearly explain their own ideas and technical matters. In addition, students can take courses that foster practical skills, such as internships at domestic and overseas companies and research institutes.

3. Students will write their master's thesis under excellent research guidance as well as advanced courses in information science and technology that cultivate such a liberal arts, design skills, and international mindset.

Academic Performance Evaluation Method

In each course, objectives to be attained by students are set and stated in the syllabus. Based on written examinations, reports, oral presentations, etc., each student's level of achievement is evaluated and grades are assigned.

Doctoral degree program

Principles of Curriculum Design

In the doctoral program, students earn the prescribed credits through coursework to acquire advanced specialized knowledge in the field of multimedia engineering, conduct research under the research guidance of an academic advisor, and submit a doctoral dissertation. The submitted doctoral dissertation is rigorously reviewed, and the doctoral degree is awarded when the dissertation is judged to have sufficient academic value in the field of information science and technology related to multimedia engineering, the ability to conduct research as an independent researcher, and the contribution of the academic content of the dissertation to society.

Contents and Methods of Education

In the doctoral program, students will develop the ability to carry out research as an independent researcher, as follows.

1. In addition to specialized courses to acquire advanced expertise in the field of multimedia engineering, students can take internship courses at domestic and overseas companies and research institutions to cultivate the ability to create new academic values and also to create new social values through research activities.

2. Along with advanced courses in information science and technology that cultivate these liberal arts, design skills, and international mindedness, students write their doctoral dissertations under excellent research guidance.

Academic Performance Evaluation Method

In each course, objectives to be attained by students are set and stated in the syllabus. Based on reports, oral presentations, etc., each student's level of achievement is evaluated and grades are assigned.