
Information and Physical Sciences

For further development of today's information-intensive society on the basis of enhanced information sciences our department pursues new mathematical sciences towards analyzing the mechanism and principle of a phenomenon, natural, social or both, and synthesizing new principles/methodologies and systems/structures for future computer systems, having the significant interaction between mathematical sciences, intelligent information processing, and applied physics in mind. Our activities encourage young people to undertake cutting edge research in natural and social sciences to grow into leaders of the global information-intensive society.

Faculty Members


Operations Research

[Fujisaki Lab.]

We study the theory and applications of decision-making and control. Our aim is to establish methodologies like robust optimization and distributed control as beneficial approaches in engineering and social sciences.

Nonlinear Mathematical Science

[Suzuki Lab.]

We aim at understanding nonlinear dynamics underlying real-world phenomena, developing methods for analyzing nonlinear mathematical models, and applying nonlinear dynamics to engineering and information systems.

Information Photonics

We aim to present methodologies for solving a wide range of problems in the real world by using "Information Photonics". We master the use of "Light" and develop new technologies based on photonics, information science, image science, molecular biology, mathematical engineering,

Systems Engineering

[Morita Lab.]

We conduct research on mathematical modeling of various real-world situations using mathematical optimizations, differential equations, etc., and on connecting them to decision-making and analysis in the real through analysis and computational experiments in an abstracted world.

Cooperative Laboratories

Architecture for Intelligence

[The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research]

We are conducting research on data analysis methodologies targeting complex real-world phenomena. In particular, we are advancing studies on knowledge discovery and prediction from spatiotemporal data. Also, our research focuses on addressing practical problems using real data, including areas such as sleep and meteorology. We aim to further advance data science based on artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.