Faculty MembersBioinformatic Engineering

Genome Information Engineering

ProfessorMatsuda Hideo

Genome Information Engineering

Bioinformatic Engineering

1987 Ph.D. Kobe University
1987 Research Associate, Kobe University, Faculty of Engineering
1990 Lecturer, Kobe University, Faculty of Engineering
1994 Associate Professor, Kobe University, Faculty of Engineering
1994 Associate Professor, Osaka University, Faculty of Engineering Science
2002 Professor, Osaka University Graduate School of Information Science and Technology



Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary research field that applies information science and technology to the understanding of life sciences. This field has been developing rapidly, due to the fact that as genomes -- the entire set of DNA bases -- of thousands of organisms including human genome were deciphered, the application of information science to the development of their databases has become critical.
In particular, I have been developing computational methods to infer trajectories of cell state transitions and gene regulatory networks on cell differentiation of stem cells and stimulation response of immune cells using single-cell gene expression data.

Trajectory inference of cell state transitions using single-cell gene expression data

Inference of gene regulatory network using single-cell gene expression data


E-mail: matsuda@ist.

TEL: S4390

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