Current StudentsLectures and Coursework

Course Registration Form

Form 1 - For subjects offeredby other majors, other graduate schools or other universities/Change of classification

Master's students who'd like to take a course other than the ones listed in the course subject table and earn its credit within the completion requirements, or students enrolled after academic year 2019(Except ITSCE) who'd like to change a classification listed in the course subject table are requested to submit this form.

For course replacement,additional course registration and withdrawal,please use different formes.

For doctoral students, please contact Graduates Section.

Form 2 - For replacement of subjects

Submit this form to request course replacement.

Application for additional course registration and withdrawal

Students wishing to register or withdraw from a course after the registration deadline or trying to register duplicate courses for the same day and time through KOAN system are requested to submit this form as soon as possible.