Prospective StudentsEducation

Educational Objectives and Policies of each Major

Bioinformatic Engineering

Degree Programs: Bioinformatic Engineering
Degrees conferred: Master and Doctorate (Information Science, Science, Engineering)

Educational Objectives

Based on the educational goals of Osaka University and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the Department of Bioinformatics aims to produce engineers, researchers, and educators who will pioneer a new academic field of information science and engineering, which is based on both analysis and synthesis for living organisms. All systems, whether man-made or biological, create a large network dynamics by repeating internal information processing and external input/output. By understanding the flexible and robust information processing of living organisms as the behavior of the systems that make up the network, we can expect to create new information science technologies for designing and constructing information systems with excellent fault tolerance and scalability. The goal of this program is to create a complementary cycle between information science and life science, that is, to understand life systems from the standpoint of information science, to create new information science technologies based on life systems, and to produce engineers, researchers, and educators who can contribute to industrial applications in a variety of fields.

Master's degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

We aim to develop human resources with cutting-edge and highly specialized knowledge and skills, from the understanding of biological functions and networks to their application, in related fields such as information science and technology and life science, and in various applied fields.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

We aim to develop human resources with a broad education that will serve as a foundation for related fields and diverse applications in information science, life science, and other fields.

Sophisticated international mindset

We aim to develop human resources with communication skills to conduct research and development with an international perspective.

Advanced design prowess

We are committed to fostering human resources with management skills that enable them to carry out projects in collaboration with others, as well as high ethical standards related to information science, life science, and other related fields, and with advanced design skills that enable them to fully demonstrate these skills and conceive and implement new information science and engineering-based technologies and systems that are both analytical and synthetic for living organisms. We are committed to fostering human resources with advanced design skills who can conceive and implement technologies and systems based on new information science and engineering that combine analysis and synthesis for biological subjects.

Doctoral degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

The program aims to develop human resources who can conduct research in their fields, utilizing cutting-edge and advanced specialized knowledge and skills ranging from understanding biological functions and networks to their application.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

We aim to develop human resources with a broad education that will serve as a foundation for related fields and diverse applications in information science, life science, and other fields.

Sophisticated international mindset

We aim to develop human resources with communication skills to conduct research and development with an international perspective.

Advanced design prowess

Our goal is to develop human resources with high ethical standards and leadership skills to lead engineers and researchers from a global perspective in conceiving and realizing new information science and engineering-based technologies and systems for biological organisms based on both analysis and synthesis.

Degree Awarding Policy (Diploma Policy)

Under the Diploma Policy of Osaka University and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the Master's Course and the Doctoral Course award a Master's degree (Information Science. Science, or Engineering) to students who have earned the prescribed credits through systematic coursework and submitted a thesis prepared with the necessary research guidance and who meet the requirements as follows, D. degree (Information Science, Science, or Engineering) in the Master's program and a Doctoral degree (Information Science, Science, or Engineering) in the Doctoral program.

Master's degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

・Students acquire cutting-edge and advanced knowledge and skills for the elucidation of biological functions, information processing and analysis related to living organisms, understanding and analysis of networks, and human sensory information processing and analysis.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

・Students acquire high ethical standards as professionals specializing in information science and life science and as members of society, as well as a high level of education to make use of their expertise in society.

Sophisticated international mindset

・Students have the communication skills to discuss and explain the significance of his/her research from an international perspective and in the context of society.

Advanced design prowess

・Students can investigate cutting-edge research related to the new academic field of information science and engineering, which is based on both analysis and synthesis of biological organisms, and have the design ability to develop his/her research.

・The master's thesis should be prepared and submitted with a clear and concise description of the research that contributes to the development of the field of study.

Doctoral degree program

Cutting-edge, advanced specialized knowledge and outstanding academic expertise

・Students acquire advanced knowledge and skills to elucidate the functions of living organisms, to process and analyze information about living organisms, to understand and analyze networks, and to process and analyze human sensory information.

Advanced broad-based knowledge and deep critical thinking

・Students have high ethical standards related to information science and a high level of education to plan research and development that contributes to the well-being of humankind.

Sophisticated international mindset

・As independent researchers, students acquire the communication skills to discuss the significance of his/her research from an international perspective concerning society.

Advanced design prowess

・Students acquire the ability to make important contributions to the academic field of information science and engineering, which is based on both analysis and synthesis of biological organisms, in terms of academic theory and its applications.

・Students acquire the ability to research problems that they have set for themselves, and the ability to lead and work as engineers/researchers from a global perspective.

Teaching and Learning Policy (Curriculum Policy)

Under the curriculum policy of Osaka University and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, the Master's and Doctoral Programs are organized as follows, offering basic and advanced subjects from understanding to application of various biological functions from micro to macro and biological and information networks.

Master's degree program

Principles of Curriculum Design

The Master's Program in Bioinformatics provides basic courses from understanding to the application of diverse biological functions from micro to macro and networks of organisms and information.

To acquire cutting-edge and advanced knowledge and skills in the elucidation of biological functions, information processing and analysis related to living organisms, understanding and analysis of networks, and human sensory information processing and analysis, students take courses to acquire basic knowledge and skills for elucidating biological functions, basic knowledge and skills for processing and analyzing information related to living organisms, and basic knowledge and skills for handling and analyzing human sensory information. Students take courses to acquire basic knowledge and skills to understand biological functions, basic knowledge and skills to process and analyze information related to living organisms, basic knowledge and skills to understand networks and basic knowledge and skills to handle and elucidate human sensory information.

To acquire high ethical standards related to information science and a high level of education to plan research and development that contributes to the well-being of humankind, students choose and acquire cross-boundary courses that cover important peripheral fields and provide an education in information science, as boundary courses for majors.

To discuss the significance of one's research from an international perspective as an independent researcher in light of society, students acquire English communication skills to cultivate an international mindset and acquire a wide range of knowledge that responds to the diverse demands of society. Special lectures by invited lecturers from industry and other external sources cover the latest technological trends, and internships at domestic and overseas companies and research institutions are offered to help students acquire the ability to consider and discuss the relationship of their research to society.

To make an important contribution to the academic field of information science and engineering, which is based on both analysis and synthesis of living organisms, students are provided with research guidance to acquire sufficient knowledge and research skills in the field and the ability to pursue research that will contribute to the development of the field. Research guidance will be provided to help students acquire sufficient knowledge and research skills in the relevant field to make an important contribution to the development of the field.

In order to acquire the research ability to explore issues set by the students themselves and the ability to lead and play an active role as engineers and researchers from a global perspective, project-based seminar courses, seminar courses that enable students to investigate the latest research and acquire the ability to incorporate it into their own research, and seminar courses that foster practical skills such as communication skills to communicate the progress of their own research will be provided. Seminar courses are also offered to develop practical skills such as communication skills to communicate the progress of one's own research.

Contents and Methods of Education

After admission, students with a background in biology or information science are first introduced to an introduction to bioinformatics class, to acquire the ability to understand the content of both fields.
Through lecture-based basic courses, exercises, seminar courses, and research guidance, the program is designed to help students acquire the knowledge necessary to become advanced engineers and researchers, as well as to enable them to acquire a broad range of knowledge that meets the diverse needs of society.

Academic Performance Evaluation Method

The academic performance of students is strictly evaluated by assessing the level of achievement of the learning goals specified in the syllabus, using appropriate methods including examinations, assignments, and reports.

Doctoral degree program

Principles of Curriculum Design

The doctoral program offers advanced courses ranging from understanding to application of the functions and networks of diverse organisms from the micro to the macro level. In addition to specialized courses that enable students to acquire cutting-edge science and technology in the field, internship courses at domestic and overseas companies and research institutions are offered to cultivate the ability to create new academic value and to develop human resources capable of creating new social value through the application of such value. We offer advanced courses and research guidance in information science and technology to cultivate such a liberal arts, design skills, and international mindset.

Students acquire basic knowledge and skills to elucidate the functions of living organisms, advanced knowledge, and skills to process and analyze information related to living organisms, advanced knowledge and skills to understand networks, and advanced knowledge and skills to handle and elucidate human sensory information. Students will acquire advanced knowledge and skills to process and analyze information related to living organisms, acquire advanced knowledge and skills to understand networks and acquire advanced knowledge and skills to understand human sensory perception.

Students acquire advanced knowledge and skills to handle and elucidate information. In addition, students will acquire communication skills to discuss the significance of their research from an international perspective as independent researchers in light of society.

The program provides students with research guidance to acquire the ability to acquire sufficient knowledge and research skills in the relevant field, to conduct research that contributes to the development of the field, and to use that research to create new social value with a high sense of ethics. The program will make an important contribution to the academic field of information science and engineering, which is based on both the analysis and synthesis of living organisms, in terms of academic theory and its applications. In addition, students will acquire the research ability to explore their research themes and the ability to lead and work as engineers and researchers from a global perspective.

Contents and Methods of Education

Specialized courses are conducted in the form of lectures or seminars, depending on the content, to cultivate the ability to create new academic values. We also nurture human resources capable of creating new social value by utilizing these skills. In addition, throughout the Master's and Doctoral programs, we have established the Special Course in English in Information Science for international students to study in English. Non-international students are also able to take courses in this course to cultivate their international mindset.

Academic Performance Evaluation Method

The academic performance of students is strictly evaluated by assessing the level of achievement of the learning goals specified in the syllabus, using appropriate methods including examinations, assignments and reports.

In addition, students with extremely excellent grades may complete their studies in a shorter period of time upon deliberation by the Faculty Council.