研究者紹介 マルチメディア工学専攻


特任助教鄭 舒元

Shuyuan Zheng



2023年9月 京都大学 大学院情報学研究科 博士後期課程修了 博士(情報学)
2021年4月~2023年9月 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1)
2023年10月~ 大阪大学 大学院情報科学研究科 特任助教


Data Economy

Data is the new oil in the intelligence era. Although artificial intelligence (AI) models can acquire human-like intelligence from historical data, many companies often lack sufficient data to train these models. On the other hand, mountains of data are generated in the world every second, but most of it does not circulate in society and thus cannot be fully exploited. Hence, to promote the circulation and use of data for AI applications, we aim to develop fundamental technologies for building a privacy-preserving, trustworthy, and user-friendly data marketplace.

Legal Informatics

Today's data and privacy protection regulations place stringent requirements on the design of data ecosystems, including accommodating the right to be forgotten and adhering to the data minimization principle under GDPR. These requirements, designed to protect individual data rights, have the potential to complicate the circulation and utilization of data. Although a real-life data marketplace must conform to these regulatory requirements, over-stringent data regulations could hamper data trading, which could lead to reduced practicality and social efficiency. Thus, while striving to make our technical mechanisms respectful of laws, it is also crucial to consider designing legal mechanisms in alignment with current technological developments to balance data rights and social welfare. Ideally, combining the design of both technical and legal mechanisms would be invaluable to comprehensively build a practical data ecosystem.


E-mail: zheng@ist.

TEL: S*6502

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